Colloidal Nano Silver Gel
Against inflammation
Antimicrobial properties of silver have already been used in antiquity. Drinking silver balls or throwing a silver coin in milk or water, prolongs the durability and freshness of liquids. Contrary to the fact that in the fourteenth century epidemic of plagues in Europe, gave the rich parents as a means against the plague their children a suckling silverspoon. In the 19th century in Germany, it was discovered that a mild silver solution causes decontamination in case of inflammatory eye conditions, while it does not irritate the mucosa. Even today there is practice to keep a silverman in your mouth, which causes herpes to disappear. Known for over 90 years, colloidal silver is considered a natural remedy.
Colloidal silver, called the natural antibiotic, kills (within 6 minutes) 650 bacterial strains; "pharmacy" antibiotic: 8-10 strains (!). Unlike antibiotics, it does not damage the beneficial microbial flora. Important: Bacteria can not develop resistance to colloidal silver.
Preventive use of Nano Silver Gel.
Lubricate a thin layer at the exposed place every 4 hours. or as needed.
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